NTRP Overview
National Tennis Rating Program (NTRP) Overview
Each year, the USTA publishes year-end NTRP Ratings around December 1
Questions about ratings or appeals will only be handled via email.
Note About Alternate Websites
TennisLink is the only location that has valid NTRP Ratings. There are other websites that claim to provide rating information. The information provided on those other sites is not accurate and should be disregarded.
The USTA posts the official NTRP ratings on our website, TennisLink. This is the only website where official NTRP ratings authorized by the USTA are posted and can be obtained.
The USTA is aware of other sites that suggest they provide NTRP ratings or player statistics and skill analysis. Any alleged NTRP related information available on these other sites is not endorsed by the USTA, is not accurate, and cannot be relied upon. We are in the process of taking all appropriate actions against these sites available to us.
Purpose of NTRP
The primary goal of the National Tennis Rating Program (NTRP) is to help all tennis players enjoy the game by providing a method of classifying skill levels for more compatible matches, group lessons, league play, tournaments and other programs.
The National Tennis Rating Program (NTRP) is the official system for determining the levels of competition for USTA League.
NTRP ratings for all players throughout the country are produced by USTA National using a computer program.
NTRP Characteristics
The NTRP Characteristics chart is used to help determine the entry level for players who do not have a computer-generated rating. Computer ratings are based on actual performance in matches, so once a player has a computer rating, the broad characterizations of ratings across the top of the characteristics page no longer apply.
The rating categories are generalizations about skill levels. You may find that you actually play above or below the category which best describes your skill level, depending on your competitive ability. The category you choose when self-rating is not meant to be permanent, but may be adjusted as your skills change or as your match play demonstrates the need for reclassification. Ultimately your rating is based upon match results.
In an effort to avoid disqualification when players are rating themselves, and they question which level they should play, they should place themselves in the higher level of play. Players must rate themselves in accordance with the NTRP.
Players who are good athletes and intend to spend a great deal of time taking lessons and practicing should be aware that their improvement may be significant enough to surpass their original self-rate level. Self-rated players are subject to dynamic disqualification through Sectional Championships.