Changes For This Season

2025 Regulation Changes

USTA National League Regulation Changes
2.01C(4)a: The USTA Section Association has the option of filing a grievance if a full team retirement or combination of defaults occurs. If the grievance is upheld, the match may be declared invalid and shall be scored following the local/sectional regulations. The Section and below may impose further penalties on the defaulting and/or retiring team. Such penalties must follow the League Suspension System (See Regulation 3.03A(7) and 3.03D(4)).

2.04A and 2.04B: All National Championship advancing Mixed League divisions will enforce the NTRP Dynamic Disqualification procedures in accordance with the USTA League Regulation 2.04.

USTA Colorado League Regulation Changes
5.01 Team Line-ups. Exchange line-ups simultaneously prior to the beginning of the match (See 2.01C(6) USTA National League Regulations). The line-up is considered official after both captains exchange line-ups on site. If a match is rescheduled after line-ups have been exchanged, the line-up would stand only for those positions that had already started (first service attempt) their match. All other positions, even those that were in warm-up may be changed including defaulted courts (USTA National Q & A Interpretations). To be courteous, opposing captains should be notified if a player change is made, but the complications of rescheduling do not always permit this etiquette.

8.05B Score entry. It is the responsibility of both team captains to make sure scores have been reported and confirmed by the 48-hour deadline. This responsibility should be discussed when line-ups are exchanged. If a score is disputed, it is the responsibility of the captain disputing the match to submit a scorecard correction form and notify the League Coordinator promptly of the reason for the dispute. The initial entry of match scores into TennisLink must take place within 48 hours of the completion of the team match. After match scores have been entered in TennisLink, they must be confirmed by the opposing team within 48 hours of the initial entry or the system will confirm them automatically. Scores for make-up matches must be entered in TennisLink within 3 weeks of the original match date or by the score entry deadline, whichever occurs first (See 11.00 and 11.01). Each league has a specific date on the league calendar that is the last date to make up matches and input scores. This date also constitutes the end of the local league season. To avoid a double default, scores must be entered by 11:59pm. The deadline will not be extended. See the league calendar on for specific dates. Unreported scores cannot be reported into TennisLink beyond the applicable deadline for advancing and non-advancing leagues.