Home / Adult Leagues / Captain Information / 75% In-Level Rule / Percent In Level Waiver RequestPercent In Level Waiver Request Percent In Level Waiver Request Instructions: Only captains or facility coordinators may submit this form. Complete entire form. Once received, our committee will review the information. A decision will be provided as soon as possible (within 1-2 weeks). Section Submitter First Name * Submitter Last Name * Submitter Email * Facility Abbreviation * Select OneAAC (Applewood Athletic Club)AG (Aspen Glen)AK (Applewood Knolls)AM (The Aspen Meadows)APR-E (Aurora Parks & Recreation)APR-MH (Aurora Parks & Recreation)APR-MW (Aurora Parks & Recreation)APR-U (Aurora Parks & Recreation)ARCA (Anthem Ranch Community Association)ASPTC (Aspen Public Tennis Courts)ATC (Arapahoe Tennis Club)AWHS (Arvada West High School)AWTC (Arvada West Tennis Club)BASALT (Basalt Middle School)BCC (Boulder Country Club)BCST (Bear Creek Swim & Tennis)BKCC (Bookcliff Country Club)BM (Bow Mar Tennis Club)BP (Berkeley Park Tennis Club)BRDMR (Broadmoor Tennis Club)BRECK (Breckenridge Tennis Center)BRMPR (Broomfield Park and Recreation)BRMST (Broomfield Swim & Tennis Club)BT (Burning Tree)BTA-C (Boulder Tennis Association)BTA-CU (Boulder Tennis Association)BTA-F (Boulder Tennis Association)BTA-IBM (Boulder Tennis Association)BVP (Bear Valley Park)CACF (Colorado Athletic Club Flatirons)CACI (Colorado Athletic Club Inverness)CACM (Colorado Athletic Club Monaco)CARB (Carbondale Parks & Recreation)CCC (Columbine Country Club)CCOC (Country Club of Colorado)CCV (Cherry Creek Vista)CCW (The Country Club at Woodmoor)CHCC (Cherry Hills Country Club)CK (Columbine Knolls)CM (Crestmoor Community Association)CMRC (Chapparal Metro Rec Center)COV (Coventry)CP (City Park Racquet Club)CPCC (Country Club at Castle Pines)CPV (Castle Pines Village)CR-B (Castle Rock)CR-CV (Castle Rock)CR-DH (Castle Rock)CROWN (Crown Mountain Recreation District)CSCC (Colorado Springs Country Club)CSRC (Colorado Springs Racquet Club)CSU (Colorado State University)CTHS (Cherokee Trail High School)CVTA (Centennial Valley Tennis Association)DCC (Denver Country Club)DCHS (Douglas County High School)DORHS (Doherty High School)DPR (Denver Parks and Recreation)DRHS (Dakota Ridge High School)DTC (Denver Tennis Club)DTP (Denver Tennis Park)DVT (Devil's Thumb Homeowners Association)EM (Eastmoor Swim & Tennis Club)EPR (Evergreen Parks and Recreation)ERIE (Erie Recreation Center)ETA (Eaton Tennis Association)ETC (Evergreen Tennis Club)FCCC (Fort Collins Country Club)FHCC (Fox Hill Country Club)FHCS (Foothills Swim & Racquet Club)FLYHS (The Club at Flying Horse)FOX (Foxridge Swim & Racquet Club)FRHS (Fossil Ridge High School)GAC (Club Greenwood)GCC (Glenmoor Country Club)GEN (Genesee Tennis)GJTC (Grand Junction Tennis Club)GLDN (Golden Tennis Association)GNO (Green Oaks HOA)GOG (Garden of the Gods)GPTC (Greenway Park Tennis Club)GR (Governor's Ranch HOA)GSCC (Glenwood Springs Community Center)GTC (Gates Tennis Center)HAE (Hay-Arthur Estates)HCC (Homestead Court Club)HEB (Heritage Eagle Bend Community Tennis Association)HF (Homestead Farms)HFII (Homestead Farm II HOA)HG (Heritage Greens Association)HIW (Hiwan Golf Club)HMTC (Highland Meadows Tennis Center)HRCA-N (Highlands Ranch Community Association)HRCA-S (Highlands Ranch Community Association)HV (Heritage Village Homeowners Association)HW (Homestead In the Willows)JCC (The J Tennis Center)JITC (Junction Indoor Tennis Center)KC-CC (Ken Caryl Ranch)KC-RH (Ken Caryl Ranch)KEYTC (Keystone Tennis Center)KNO (Knolls Cta)LAC (Longmont Athletic Club)LAKE (Lake Shore Athletic Club)LEBTC (Lebsack Tennis Center at Redstone)LM (Lincoln Middle School)LOWRY (Lowry Tennis Association)LPTC (Lakewood Park Tennis Center)LT (Lewis Tennis)LTA-A (Longmont Tennis Association)LTA-C (Longmont Tennis Association)LTA-P (Longmont Tennis Association)LTA-Q (Longmont Tennis Association)LTC-D (Lakewood Tennis Club)LTC-L (Lakewood Tennis Club)LTC-M (Lakewood Tennis Club)LTFC (Lifetime Fitness-Centennial)LTFCS (Lifetime Fitness-Colorado Springs)LTFF (Lifetime Athletic-Flatirons)LVTA (Loveland Tennis Association)MC (Meadow Creek Tennis & Fitness Club)MEA (Meadows Swim & Tennis)MEMPK (Memorial Park Tennis Center)MLF (Genesis Miramont South)MRCK (Maroon Creek Club)MVCC (Mount Vernon Canyon Club)MVHS (Mountain Vista High School)NIW (Niwot Tennis Association)NJ (North Jeffco Tennis Club)NORM (Normandy Estates)PBCP (Pueblo City Park)PBTC (Pueblo Tennis Club)PBWHS (Pueblo West High School)PCC (Pinery Country Club)PCHS (Pine Creek High School)PCRK (Piney Creek)PH (Pinehurst Country Club)PHS (Poudre High School)PRC (Parker Racquet Club)PRKR (Town of Parker)PTC (The Preserve Tennis Club)RCC (Ranch Country Club)RHCC (The Club at Rolling Hills)RMTC (Rocky Mountain Tennis Center)RRTC (Randy Ross Tennis Center)RVR (River Valley Ranch)SH (Sundance Hills T.A.)SKY (Skyline Acres Swim/Tennis Club)SLOAN (Sloan's Lake)SMC (Snowmass Club)SMGLR (Smuggler Racquet Club)SMREC (Snowmass Village Recreation Center)SOUTH (Denver South High School)SS-D (South Suburban deKoevend)SS-G (South Suburban Gallop)SS-H (South Suburban Holly)SS-HP (South Suburban Harlow Park)SS-LGT (South Suburban Littleton Golf & Tennis)SS-LT (South Suburban Lone Tree)SSTC (Steamboat Springs Tennis Center)SV (Stonegate Village Metropolitan District)TAG (Tennis Association of Greeley)THCC (The Hills at Cherry Creek)TRHS (ThunderRidge High School)TTA-E (Thornton Tennis Association)VALOR (Valor High School)VC (Village Club)VCC (Valley Country Club)VTC (Vail Tennis Center)WC (Willow Creek Tennis Club)WP (Washington Park Tennis Club)WP-G (Washington Park Tennis Club)WP-O (Washington Park Tennis Club)WPR (Wheat Ridge Parks & Recreation)WTA (Windsor Tennis Association)WYO (Wyoming Tennis Association) Section 1 Team Number * Team Name Team Gender * Men's Women's Are non-members allowed to play at your facility / club? * Yes No What percentage of players are required to be members / residents? * League * USTA Adult 18 & Over USTA Adult 40 & Over CTA Adult 18-39 CTA Twilight CTA Women's Daytime Doubles CTA Women's Summer Daytime Trio NTRP Rating * 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 How many total players will be on your roster? * How many players will be playing up? * Percent of Players Playing in Level % System Calculated Field It is a requirement that all players trying to play up attempt to appeal their rating. Have all players who want to play up attempted to appeal? (If “No,” players must attempt to appeal prior to submitting form.) All attempted Appeal? * Yes No You may not submit your request until all players have attempted to appeal their rating up using the online appeal system. For years, USTA Colorado has been 'encouraging' players to play in-level since it often has a negative impact on the enjoyment of their opponents when they play up. This rule was put in place to end the practice of having too many out-of-level players on teams. Given that information, why do you think your team should be provided special consideration? Paragraph Players Please provide the names and ratings of all players you plan to have on your roster. First Name * Last Name * Rating * Select One2. plus1 Add Another Player minus1 Remove This Player What is 4 + 2 ? * Select One24681012 To ensure you are human, this question must be answered correctly for the Submit Button to appear. Submit If you are human, leave this field blank.