USTA Mixed 18 & Over

Format: 3 doubles
Divisions: Mixed Doubles
NTRP Levels (Combined): 6.0 / 7.0 / 8.0 / 9.0 / 10.0
Minimum Age: 18 years old
Length of Season: 6-7 weeks of matches ?
Advancement: Colorado District Championships / Intermountain Section Championships / USTA National Championships
Number of Teams: Players may play on two (2) teams in this league (must be in different levels).
Cost: $31 + Processing Fee

Notes about this League
The NTRP difference between members of an individual doubles team may not exceed 1.0 (i.e. in the 8.0 level, a 3.0 cannot play with a 5.0). There is also a minimum NTRP level for combined leagues. The minimum levels for this league will be as follows:

6.0 minimum level is 2.5
7.0 minimum level is 3.0
8.0 minimum level is 3.5
9.0 minimum level is 4.0
10.0 minimum level is 4.5