Home / Adult & Junior League Facility Coordinator Meeting RSVPAdult & Junior League Facility Coordinator Meeting RSVP Adult & Junior League Facility Coordinator Meeting RSVP Who: Facility Coordinators from facilities that will participate in any Adult Leagues and/or JTT (Junior Team Tennis) during the 2025 league season. Video Call Meetings: Most meetings will be Zoom calls. The Zoom information will only be sent to those who submit this form to RSVP for a specific date. Why: We will be covering important changes for Adult Leagues and JTT, as well as giving out team numbers. Facility Coordinator Information Please enter your contact information First Name * Last Name * Email Address * Cell Number * Facility * Which Meeting(s) would you like to attend? * Adult Leagues JTT (Junior Team Tennis) Both (Adult Leagues and JTT) Adult League Meeting Dates * Jan 14 (Tue) at 10am – Zoom call Jan 22 (Wed) at 1pm – Zoom call Jan 23 (Thur) at 10am – Zoom call JTT League Meeting Dates: Dates are TBD, but will likely be held in late February or March. Please provide any topics you would like discussed at the meeting What is 4 + 2 ? * Select One24681012 To ensure you are human, this question must be answered correctly for the Submit Button to appear.