JTT Team Standings

The team standings on TennisLink are not set up to break ties according to our JTT Regulations; therefore, the official standings are published on this website. Click the button below to open a pdf of the most recent team standings. Please note: These standings do not update automatically. We will update them each week.

How Ties Are Broken

Standings are based on the total number of TEAM MATCHES won.

Ties will be broken in the following order:
1. Most Individual Matches won
2. Most Games Won
3. Most Sets Won
4. Least Individual Match Losses
5. Least Games Lost
6. Least Sets Lost

The first-place team in each division will be eligible to advance to the JTT State Championships. In situations where the number of advancing teams is uneven, a second-place team may be invited as a wildcard to the JTT State Championships.